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Symane談詑 | 貢獻
新頁: <p></p> | width="{{{width|}}}" align="{{{align|left}}}" valign="{{{valign|top}}}" {{#if: {{{gap|}}} | style="padding-left:{{{gap}}};" }}|<noinclude> {{Col-begin/doc}}</noinclude>

2009年5月18日 (禮拜一) 16:37嗰修改版本

| width="" align="left" valign="top" |

This template is a self-reference and so is part of the Wikipedia project rather than the encyclopedic content.


A border of 2px (1px width on each side) corresponds to a 5%. Therefore, with a 2px border — for example, as in Wikipedia:Tutorial (Wrap-up and more info) — the width needs to be 95% for the table to fit within the screen. Since it's possible that some tables might not have a border, correction on the individual page could be made after substitution. Another way to create a two column table is like this:

Left column
Right column
模板:Col-1-of-4 {{Col-begin}} {{Col-2}} Column 1 here {{Col-2}} Column 2 here {{Col-end}} 模板:Col-2-of-4 {{Col-begin}} {{Col-3}} Column 1 here {{Col-3}} Column 2 here {{Col-3}} Column 3 here {{Col-end}} 模板:Col-3-of-4 {{Col-begin}} {{Col-4}} Column 1 here {{Col-4}} Column 2 here {{Col-4}} Column 3 here {{Col-4}} Column 4 here {{Col-end}} 模板:Col-4-of-4 and so on, up to {{Col-7}}
模板:Col-1-of-4 {{Col-begin|class=references-small}} {{Col-break}} Column 1 here {{Col-break}} Column 2 here {{Col-break}} Column 3 here {{Col-break}} Column 4 here {{Col-break}} Column 5 here {{Col-break}} Column 6 here {{Col-end}} 模板:Col-2-of-4 {{Top}} Column 1 here {{Mid}} Column 2 here {{Bottom}} 模板:Col-3-of-4 {{Columns-start|num=3}} Column 1 here {{Column}} Column 2 here {{Column}} Column 3 here {{Columns-end}} 模板:Col-4-of-4 {{Multicol}} Column 1 here {{Multicol-break}} Column 2 here {{Multicol-break}} Column 3 here {{Multicol-break}} Column 4 here {{Multicol-end}}


See Col-break/examples

See also

External links