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Symane談詑 | 貢獻
新頁: '''韻文'''(verse),或'''詩體'''係話西方詩歌裏頭嗰一篇押韻作品(通常係)嗰一隻單行。一隻詩句可能拕分做好幾隻韻文。 ==形式== ===押…
Symane談詑 | 貢獻
:But sequence ravelled out of reach
:Like balls upon a floor.
無韻詩(Blank verse)通常有規律嗰韻律,但韻文嗰督上冇有尾韻。像:
:In Mathematics, Woman leads the way:
:The narrow-minded pedant still believes
:That two and two make four! Why, we can prove,
:We women-household drudges as we are-
:That two and two make five-or three-or seven;
:Or five-and-twenty, if the case demands!