張國榮(1956年9月12號—2003年4月1號),原名係張發宗,英文名係 Leslie,係一位到華人社會裡頭好有影響力嗰香港男歌手、演員同到詞曲創作者。別名哥哥(「大兄」嗰意思),箇源自同佢合演《倩女幽魂》嗰王祖賢對佢嗰稱呼。
編寫- レスリー・チャン(張國榮)スマイル
- In Memory Of Leslie Cheung
- Leslie Cheung Cyberworld Official website of Red Mission, providing material on Cheung's music, movies, interviews, photos, etc.
- Leslie Legacy Association Official website of LLA (Leslie Legacy Association), providing material on Cheung's records, movies, and international news reports
- Leslie Cheung at rottentomatoes
- Watch the documentary film "Leslie Cheung - Hong Kong Star", shown by German - French TV channel Arte on 30 August 2007.
- Leslie Cheung Internet Fan Club Official website of the Leslie Cheung Internet Fan Club